Quiet Landscapes
classic landscapes with a time-related perspective

Strait photography often draw our world as a series of "fragments of reality." However, within these series of artificial landscapes, while we experience the passage of time, we are unable to precisely trace back to when these fragments occurred. Here, time becomes less definitive, as if it is not only a continuum of events but also a state, a feeling.
The French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre believed that "existence precedes essence" meaning that an individual's existence is not to fulfill some pre-determined purpose or definition, but rather a place where the individual creates their own meaning. By capturing these everyday yet empty spaces, I pose the question: without human presence, is the significance of these spaces endowed by us who gaze upon them at this moment?

These photographs each depict a unique, imaginative visual story. Whether it's the site of the World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York, or a motel in the Central Valley of California, each scene seems to be frozen at a specific moment, challenging our perception of the passage of time. This perceptual pause allows us the opportunity to immerse ourselves and reconsider our interaction with the environment around us, as well as to perceive and understand the vast world we live in.